Culture & Current Events

Dan Trippie Blog: Navigating the Complexities of Life in a Rapidly Shifting Culture

It Happened —Trump Shot!

Well, it happened. On Saturday, July 13th, the world watched as a would-be assassin attempted to kill President Donald Trump. Sadly, an innocent rally attendee lost his life while a stunned nation asked, “How did we get here?” Currently, the shooter’s motives are unclear, but it seems this was an act of political violence. Political violence has been increasing for years, and now it has escalated to the point where both the right and left

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white and brown human robot illustration

How to Use AI in the Workplace—Ethically

Deception is costly. CEOs go to jail if they cook the books. Physicians are sued if they intentionally withhold medical information. Employees are fired if they lie on a résumé. Students are expelled if they plagiarize. Deception is costly not only relationally but financially.  We expect truth from our neighbors, but our economic system depends on it. We trust products and services will equal their advertised value. We sign contracts expecting both parties to act

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a painting of a group of men on horses

Wars and Rumors of Wars: Cultivating Courageous Habits

Growing up we had a pond in our backyard. Ponds are enchanting when you are a young boy  —especially at the start of the Northeastern winter. A boy’s courage ascends with each step across the ice-covered water — standing on the deep testifies to a young boy’s bravery. Yet the sound of cracking quickly reveals how fragile they both are. The world sounds a lot like that cracking ice lately. It’s been a while since

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Evangelicals, it's time for dialogue – 'The Christian way'

Evangelicals, it’s time for dialogue – ‘The Christian way’

This article first appeared in The Fulcrum In Buffalo, New York, we know the trauma of social breakdown and tragedy firsthand, but we also know the healing that happens when neighbors come together across their differences. Over the course of this past year, we have suffered an extreme blizzard with devastating loss of life; the ruthless, racially motivated murder of ten of our fellow citizens; and the firebombing of a pregnancy clinic by an extremist

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What We Don't Understand about Putin and his church

What We Don’t Understand About Putin and his church

What We Don’t Understand About Putin and his church   The secular west does not understand religion. Not only do we not understand religion, but we also do not have a language to articulate religious matters very well. Therefore, when we encounter deeply theological matters, we do not have a vocabulary to communicate what we see in the world. Thus, we can’t understand Vladimir Putin, nor do we understand what he is saying, or how to

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Mandates, Manipulation, and Mayhem: What did you expect?

Mandates, Manipulation, and Mayhem: What did you expect?

Did you really expect mass vaccinations? Are you shocked that many people are hesitant, if not dogmatic, in their opposition to the COVID-19 vaccine? I received the vaccination as soon as I was eligible, and I strongly encourage others to do the same. But should we be surprised that many would resist? And why are we shocked that many would find vaccination mandates unsettling? The controversy surrounding the vaccine is symptomatic of a disease that

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Matthew 18: The Keys and the Sword

Matthew 18: Keys & Sword

God filled his creation with duality–black and white, day and night, spirit and flesh. Duality provides texture to the world and without contrast, we have no beauty. Duality serves to reveal the complexity of a mysterious and wonderful God. Duality also marks God’s governance in the world. In the United States, we see this duality in the separation of powers. Specifically in the separation of church and state. In the Bible, we see duality in

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An Evangelical Voters Guide

An Evangelical Voters Guide

The right to vote is a significant privilege. When people cast ballots, they are doing more than merely making an abstract opinion known—citizens who vote promote overall human dignity. Evangelicals believe that all humans bear the image of God. As image bearers of God, all humans are endowed with the faculty of choice. Voting gives individuals a voice among the collective, and voting promotes human agency because it is a vehicle in which individuals exercise

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Tolerance in the age of "Nones"

Tolerance in the age of “Nones”

Once upon a time, religious liberty was a virtue championed by most. Americans believed that tolerance strengthened the bonds of society and united us around a shared vision.  Our nation treasured the right of religious choice because it empowered the vision of E Pluribus Unum. Religious liberty ensured that citizens with diverse backgrounds and ideas would experience the dignity and respect owed to all humanity. Religious liberty was the embodiment of true open-mindedness.  But today,

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Another Mass Shooting: Beyond Policy

Another Mass Shooting: Beyond Policy

Another mass shooting — our hearts sink — our anger rises. As a nation, we mourn the loss of life, and we grieve the loss of innocence. We are outraged at what we have become, and fear what we are becoming. Another boy not even old enough to rent a car becomes an active shooter. Once again, a sobering commentary on a culture that is unraveling from all ends.   In the wake of another mass

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